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Maria Magdalena Katharina Herrmann married Frank Carl Gores 01 September 1920 son of Unknown Morris. He was born 25 December 1894 and died 17 August 1977 in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

In the 1920 census, Frank Gores had taken into his own household Maria Herrmann's mother, Wilhelmine Reinking after her husband Emil Franz Herrmann died, and Maria's other siblings including her nephew, Max Richard Herrmann who was four years younger than Maria. Frank was a young man when he did this.



Children of Maria Herrmann and Frank Gores


1. Living Gores married living spouse. They have one living child



2. Clayton Gores



3. Living Gores married living spouse. They have four living children.



4. Living Gores married living spouse. They have eight living child



5. Living Gores married living spouse. They have three living child



6. Living Gores married living spouse (1). They had three living children. Living spouse (2). They had two living child



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Last updated: March 26, 2023